#ff6666 / #f66 Hex Color Codes

Brief of Hex Color #ff6666

In the RGB color space, the Hex color #ff6666 converts to rgb(255, 102, 102). It comprises 100.00% red, 40.00% green, and 40.00% blue. When converted to the CMYK color space, it is represented as cmyk(0%, 60%, 60%, 0%), consisting of 0% cyan, 60% magenta, 60% yellow, and 0% black. In the HSL color space, the Hex color #ff6666 corresponds to hsl(0°, 100%, 70%). The hue angle is approximately 0 degrees, with a saturation of 100% and a lightness of 70%.

Color Name of Hex Color #ff6666

The closest name of the hex color #ff6666 is Pastel Red(#ff6961).

#ff6666 Color Conversion

Hex ff6666
RGB 255, 102, 102
CMYK 0%, 60%, 60%, 0%
HSL 0°, 100%, 70%
HSV 0°, 60%, 100%
CIELAB(D65) 63.112, 58.245, 30.548
Hunter Lab(C) 56.322, 54.741, 22.456
XyY 0.503, 0.330, 31.722
XYZ 48.390, 31.722, 16.143
YIQ 0.5794, 0.3576, 0.1266
YUV 0.5794, -0.0883, 0.3690

Shades of #ff6666

Origin 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #e55b5b Copy
RGB: rgb(229, 91, 91) Copy
Hex: #cc5151 Copy
RGB: rgb(204, 81, 81) Copy
Hex: #b24747 Copy
RGB: rgb(178, 71, 71) Copy
Hex: #993d3d Copy
RGB: rgb(153, 61, 61) Copy
Hex: #7f3333 Copy
RGB: rgb(127, 51, 51) Copy
Hex: #662828 Copy
RGB: rgb(102, 40, 40) Copy
Hex: #4c1e1e Copy
RGB: rgb(76, 30, 30) Copy
Hex: #321414 Copy
RGB: rgb(50, 20, 20) Copy
Hex: #190a0a Copy
RGB: rgb(25, 10, 10) Copy
Hex: #000000 Copy
RGB: rgb(0, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #ff4242 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 66, 66) Copy
Hex: #ff1f1f Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 31, 31) Copy
Hex: #fa0000 Copy
RGB: rgb(250, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #d60000 Copy
RGB: rgb(214, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #b20000 Copy
RGB: rgb(178, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #8f0000 Copy
RGB: rgb(143, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #6b0000 Copy
RGB: rgb(107, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #420000 Copy
RGB: rgb(66, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #1f0000 Copy
RGB: rgb(31, 0, 0) Copy
Hex: #000000 Copy
RGB: rgb(0, 0, 0) Copy

Tints of #ff6666

Origin 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #ff7575 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 117, 117) Copy
Hex: #ff8484 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 132, 132) Copy
Hex: #ff9393 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 147, 147) Copy
Hex: #ffa3a3 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 163, 163) Copy
Hex: #ffb2b2 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 178, 178) Copy
Hex: #ffc1c1 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 193, 193) Copy
Hex: #ffd1d1 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 209, 209) Copy
Hex: #ffe0e0 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 224, 224) Copy
Hex: #ffefef Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 239, 239) Copy
Hex: #ffffff Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 255, 255) Copy
Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #ff7575 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 117, 117) Copy
Hex: #ff8585 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 133, 133) Copy
Hex: #ff9494 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 148, 148) Copy
Hex: #ffa3a3 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 163, 163) Copy
Hex: #ffb2b2 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 178, 178) Copy
Hex: #ffc2c2 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 194, 194) Copy
Hex: #ffd1d1 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 209, 209) Copy
Hex: #ffe0e0 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 224, 224) Copy
Hex: #fff0f0 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 240, 240) Copy
Hex: #ffffff Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 255, 255) Copy

Color Combinations of #ff6666

Triadic Colors of #ff6666

Triadic colors refer to a color scheme consisting of three colors that are evenly spaced(120°) around the color wheel. In this scheme, the three colors are positioned at equal distances from each other, forming an equilateral triangle on the color wheel. This creates a visually vibrant and balanced combination of colors.

Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #66ff66 Copy
RGB: rgb(102, 255, 102) Copy
Hex: #6666ff Copy
RGB: rgb(102, 102, 255) Copy

Analogous Colors of #ff6666

Analogous colors refer to a color scheme consisting of colors that are adjacent(30°) to each other on the color wheel. In this scheme, the selected colors share similar undertones and create a harmonious and cohesive visual effect.

Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #ffb266 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 178, 102) Copy
Hex: #ff66b3 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 179) Copy

Complementary Color of #ff6666

Complementary colors are pairs of colors that are located directly opposite(180°) each other on the color wheel. These colors create a strong visual contrast when placed together, and when used effectively, they can enhance each other and create a vibrant and dynamic composition.

Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #66ffff Copy
RGB: rgb(102, 255, 255) Copy

Split Complementary Colors of #ff6666

Split complementary colors, also known as split complements, are a variation of the complementary color scheme. In this color scheme, instead of using just one color opposite another on the color wheel, it involves selecting a base color and then using the two colors adjacent(150°) to its complement.

Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #66ffb3 Copy
RGB: rgb(102, 255, 179) Copy
Hex: #66b2ff Copy
RGB: rgb(102, 178, 255) Copy

Monochromatic Colors of #ff6666

Monochromatic colors refer to a color scheme that is based on variations of a single hue. In this scheme, different shades, tints, and tones of a single color are used to create a visually cohesive and harmonious composition.

Hex: #b24747 Copy
RGB: rgb(178, 71, 71) Copy
Hex: #cc5151 Copy
RGB: rgb(204, 81, 81) Copy
Hex: #e55b5b Copy
RGB: rgb(229, 91, 91) Copy
Hex: #ff6666 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 102, 102) Copy
Hex: #ff7575 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 117, 117) Copy
Hex: #ff8484 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 132, 132) Copy
Hex: #ff9393 Copy
RGB: rgb(255, 147, 147) Copy